Internships matter

NOCHE (The Northeast Ohio Council On Higher Education) recently released a fascinating report called the Internship Market Research study. 

In short, the report concluded that:

   As a student, you should know that internships provide real world experience which makes you a more desirable candidate for a job and helps you build a network of contacts.

   As an employer with an internship program, make your internship meaningful – you might be surprised at the quality of work that “college kids” could do.  Also, if you can’t give a salary – provide a stipend to help cover necessities like transportation and food.

   As a region, we should know that there is a clear correlation between a student completing an internship, and the likelihood of that student staying in Northeast Ohio.

What are your thoughts about internship programs? Do they add value to a career? Should all college students be required to complete at least one internship before they graduate? Let us know your thoughts.

1 Comment

  1. Jess Shultzaberger

    I am very new to internships and helping a start up non-profit build their internship program. This should be a very interesting learning opportunity for us all.

    I think internships have vaule for students that have not been in Corporate America. But what do you think about internships for adult students that have been in corporate america? Are these even possible? Just curious.

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