We’re thrilled to announce the promotion of two senior leaders here at the foundation, both members of our grantmaking team. Last month, we announced that Executive Vice President Robert E. Eckardt will retire from the foundation at the end of the year, after 35 years of dedicated service. Today, we announced that our Program Director for Community Development India Pierce Lee has been promoted to Senior Vice President, Program and will replace Bob upon his retirement.

India Pierce Lee
As Senior Vice President, Program, India will lead the Cleveland Foundation’s grantmaking team, working with the board, staff and community leaders to define Greater Cleveland’s critical needs and leverage resources to address them.
“India is the ultimate ambassador for Greater Cleveland. She is beloved by our board, staff and our community, and that’s because she understands the needs of our residents, the opportunities in our neighborhoods, and the best path forward to expand Cleveland’s renaissance so that everyone benefits,” said Ronn Richard, Cleveland Foundation President and CEO. “The sky’s the limit with India, and I can’t imagine anyone better qualified to ensure we continue the foundation’s tradition of grantmaking excellence.”

Lillian Kuri
In addition to India’s appointment, we announced that our Program Director for Arts & Urban Design Lillian Kuri has been promoted to Vice President, Strategic Grantmaking, Arts & Urban Design. In her new role, Lillian will continue to manage her grantmaking portfolio in the arts and urban design, and will also play a leadership role in developing new grantmaking initiatives on behalf of the foundation. Lillian will collaborate with India and other foundation colleagues to develop cross-sector opportunities for the foundation to enhance its impact in the community.
“From her partnership with India to launch our Greater University Circle Initiative to her dynamic leadership on our mastery-based arts strategy, Lillian demonstrates an unparalleled ability to create, innovate and collaborate – it’s in her DNA,” said Ronn Richard. “I’m excited to see what Lillian can achieve in this new role, working closely with her best-in-class program colleagues to ensure that we maximize our grantmaking potential while identifying new ways to collaborate in service of Greater Cleveland.”
India and Lillian bring more than 20 years of combined experience at the Cleveland Foundation to their new roles, and we can’t wait to see what’s next under their direction. Learn more about India and Lillian’s respective qualifications and accomplishments here.
Congratulations Lillian!